Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bloom Day, Finally!

For the first time since June I am in the garden for Bloom Day! And I'm quite happy about it because there are still a notable number of blooms to be seen. Maybe the cooler temperatures are prolonging some flowers that might have wilted in the continual heat.

The Bon Bon Cosmos from Renee's Garden are looking the best they have all season! Where have these robust blooms been? Maybe the site conditions aren't the greatest for these flowers, but this is a classic case of better late than never.

The 'David' phlox is still going strong although I can feel that the end may be near. It's been quite a show from these flowers this year. I'm a little irritated by the fact that they both have flopped all summer, but the flowers have been gorgeous even from their lowered level! And with the heat and dryness followed by intermittent torrential downpours, it's kind of hard to blame the stems for suffering a little. Considering the challenging conditions this year, we may have a candidate for Most Valuable Plant here.

The elm-leaved goldenrod (Solidago ulmifolia) is turning out even better than I had hoped!

I love how its flowers trail off the plant like a comet's tail, and the yellow perfectly complements the yellow centers of the big-leaved asters (Eurybia macrophylla) behind them.

And speaking of goldenrods, the zig-zag goldenrod (S. flexicaulis) is in its full glory...

...with the great blue lobelia finishing up...

...and speaking of asters, the smooth blue asters (Symphyotrichum laeve) have exploded within the past couple days!

They're looking much better than last year, probably due to the sunny, dry conditions. And they've flowered early enough to catch the tall coreopsis (C. tripteris) still in bloom!

This timing doesn't happen every year and I love when it does! It's nice to have the yellow and blue combo repeated a couple times in this border.

My containers were suffering from my absence, so I replaced the wilted petunias, calibrachoa and celosia with simple pansies. Here's how the petunia replacement looks now:

What's notable is that the other fillers in these containers (second one not pictured) haven't missed a beat, and now they're looking as nice as ever!

Also blooming but not pictured: Tricyrtis 'Tojen'; squash flowers, the random unnamed rose and a couple fading coneflowers. For more Bloom Day posts, see Carol at May Dreams Garden!


garden girl said...

LOVE the coreopsis and aster combo Rose! Glad you're home for Bloom Day this month.

Lots of stuff is flopping here too, and what wasn't flopping all summer is now thanks to all the wind we had earlier this month.

We have a couple of tall goldenrods to add to the garden - passalongs from a fellow Master Gardener. I don't know what variety they are - a common mystery with passalongs I end up with. They were suffering after being dug up in August, so I had to cut them back. Looking forward to blooms from them next year!

Rose said...

I'm so envious of your 'Bon Bon' cosmos, Rose! I planted some last year and loved them; this year the seeds either were drowned out in June or were suffocated by the Obedient Plants and goldenrod taking over that corner of the garden. Your Zigzag goldenrod is really interesting, so different from the usual varieties you see. And your containers are looking good--I should take a hint here and replace my dead petunias, too:)

Noel Morata said...


i'm enjoying touring your garden with you today, i'm really loving that zig zag golden rod, wow!

A Garden of Threads said...

I must try the Bon Bon cosmos, I think this is the third time I have seen it this GBBD and it looks fantastic. My zig zag goldenrod is also blooming, but I do not have any aster yet.

Mr. McGregor's Daughter said...

How odd that your Phlox 'David' is flopping. Mine grows in part shade and is upright. Could your soil be too rich? I just love your Solidagos, ulmifolia is one of the prettiest. Okay, now I really don't get it. Why are my ex-Aster leavis not blooming yet?

Gardening in a Sandbox said...

I was surprised to see Cosmos Bon Bon in your garden too. I received a packet from Renee's Garden seeds in the spring. I have posted them for GBBD also. They are a gorgeous flower.

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