I received a number of encouraging comments with helpful recommendations! Ninebark (Physocarpus opulifolius) and oakleaf hydrangea (H. quercifolia) came up repeatedly, and these are both certainly great shrubs. I had considered ninebark at the start of the search, but I'm concerned this site is too shady. I believe ninebark can thrive in partial shade, but this location leans to the "full" side of "partial-to-full shade." Oakleaf hydrangea is on my radar screen, but I wanted to consider some other options before going with a hydrangea. (I think I'm suffering from hydrangea overkill. I see them everywhere, and I'm feeling a little burnt out on them. That's not to impugn anyone else's love for hydrangeas, but for me it's a maybe...)
Some of you fabulous people even offered me shrub seedlings right away! And I intend to take you up on those offers of St. John's Wort (Hypericum frondosum) and species pagoda dogwood (you know who you are!). In fact, while evaluating those shrubs' chances in this location, I realized how many other places I could put flowering shrubs in my yard. (Isn't garden blogging great?) But I decided there are indeed other places for those shrubs: a sunnier spot for the Hypericum and another currently bland, shady border for the dogwood. (Bland shady borders are not lacking around here, apparently!) Those are topics for another day, however, and I still felt something else was needed for my problematic place by the fence.
So I started to think of other types of woody plants that could perhaps grow here...trees! Why just have a shrub when I could have a tree? But it would have to be a diminutive one; I don't think an oak or hickory would be appropriate for this little spot. But as I mentioned before, this site is very sheltered from the wind, so I wondered if I could indulge my desire for a Japanese maple?
Japanese maples are notoriously fussy, but perhaps this oddball location could work. Fortunately, Chicagoland Gardening magazine ran a cover story on Japanese maples in September (along with my piece on native sedges, sorry for the blatant self-promotion!). Deb Terrill's article stated, "A taller tree canopy, large evergreens, buildings and fences can all offer some protection." Perfect! I have all of those things here! My soil may need some amending with leaf mold or mulch to bring the pH down little, but this is a real breakthrough! With the Siberian irises I planted near this spot, I could have a little Eastern/Eurasian vignette going here.
Then I started to think of the downsides to a Japanese maple: What if it died? I would be horrified to have a tree die. A little perennial here and there is one thing, but a beautiful (and expensive) tree?? And what about wintertime? How interesting would more bare branches really be? If it's a tree I want, how about an evergreen? There's no better winter interest than that!
And I am sorely lacking good evergreens. There are my hated yews that I keep complaining about, and two scraggly spruces near the edge of my driveway that aren't aging gracefully. But what about this?
I could have purple cones to match my purple coneflowers! I am in close proximity to a nursery specializing in rare dwarf conifers. (Remember Rich's Foxwillow Pines, all you Spring Flingers?) I could finally have some delicious weeping conifer, preferably a Canadian hemlock (Tsuga canadensis). This photo is of a spruce (Picea spp.), but you get the idea:
It would have a unique shape, provide structure, and of course have the winter interest factor. But would it get enough sun?
That idea slowed me down. According to Rich's catalogs, Tsuga canadensis 'Pendula' can take partial shade and prefers protected sites. But what if this site is too shady and I end up with a midget conifer that looks really disproportionate? Oh, the risks of gardening! Why do I feel like I'm gambling?! So I set two tasks for myself before getting further confused. First, I need to research Japanese maple cultivars to see if there's one that might be happiest here. Second is to find out if my preferred Tsuga is even available and get some honest feedback about its sun requirements. And of course I could just go find that 'Golden Shadows' dogwood and be done with it, but I'm not quite ready to end the quest yet...
So many wonderful choices Rose! Good luck narrowing it down. I'm sure you'll pick just the right shrub or small tree for this spot. How great that you've realized you have other excellent spots for other contenders on your list!
Life is a gamble - I say go for the Japanese Maple. One of the little contorted ones would look lovely all winter. If I had a protected spot with enough moisture, I'd plant one. It seems like the perfect spot for it.
Hi Rose! I love my Japanese maples which manage to grow here in Oklahoma in the shade. I do love them so very much. They do need some moisture and a bit of shelter from drying winds, but they give so much. Congrats on your article. A little self promotion never hurt anyone.~~Dee
GG--Thanks! I am really glad I've had the chance to take a good look around and learn more about the potential of my garden!
MMD--I agree, the Japanese maple idea is very appealing! I'm thinking a weeping one would be perfect.
Dee--Hi! I would definitely need to keep an eye on the moisture. I rarely water my garden, but to invest in a Japanese maple would require more of a commitment on the watering!
Well, I don't know if you want my encouragement or not but my selection would be Japanese maple. I also wondered about the risk when I planted one. And down south they are MUCH harder to keep looking nice. But I found 'Bloodgood' at the big box store at a decent price. It was a little gangly looking at first (and is not a weeping variety, which I've heard are harder to grow) but it's filled out nicely in just a couple of years and seems to be happy as an understory tree. My 2 cents anyway!
I understand your dilemma, Rose--so many great choices. I say go for the Japanese maple! Of course, that's easy for me to say since I'm not the one paying for it:) I remember Rich's very well--the choices in conifers there are enough to boggle the mind, but I know you would get some excellent advice if you decide to go with an evergreen.
By the way, I see we have one more thing in common--I have some "hated yews," too, that I've been begging Husband to cut down. I keep thinking of all the other shrubs I could plant in their place if I could ever convince him.
Good luck on your quest--you have all winter to find your treasure!
Jean--2 cents are always welcomed here!! I've read good things about 'Bloodgood' on your blog and elsewhere. It's definitely on the short list!
Rose--The best I could wheedle out of my husband was to get him to cut down three of the most sickly looking Hated Yews. It's frustrating because I can envision a lovely short-grass prairie border all along the front of the house, but those stupid bushes preclude any true prairie look. Argh!!
While I also support the Japanese maple choice (we have a little one that's been thriving in my very shady backyard), I'd recommend seriously looking into a weeping evergreen. I have an Atlas cedar in the back of my yard that spent years in the siginificant shadows of the out-of-control Wisteria, and it's done quite nicely. It's one of the most interesting members of my garden!
Hey Rose, Japanese Maples are such beautiful trees and Bloodgood is hardier then most~~But there are some great small trees that might be perfect, too. Amelanchiers, great color and flowers in the spring with berries that are edible in the summer~~You would have to fight the birds for them! A Blackhaw Viburnum is also luscious with great fall color and berries.
I've got the hypericums for you Rose...Have just been afraid to send them in this winter weather. As soon as you give me the okay I will ship them to you! Spring might be better.
Gina--I know, a conifer would look so cool! But I'm concerned about availability; what I'm looking for is tough to find and I don't want to settle for any 'ol conifer.
Gail--I really should look into the Amelanchier. I think it could handle the shadiness. Thanks for the reminder!
I received a number of encouraging comments with helpful recommendations! Ninebark...flowering shrubs
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