It's my forced hyacinths beginning to do something!! Now, for those of you who are experienced at forcing bulbs, my excitement probably seems a little overdone, but this is my first attempt at forcing and I can't believe it might be working! I am a bit of a bulb skeptic; don't get me wrong, I like tulips, hyacinths, crocus and all those, but they're not topping my list when I think of favorite plants. And honestly I'm not a big fan of lilies (apologies to lily-lovers out there!).
However, if I actually get these hyacinths to bloom in bleak, miserable February, then a shift in my relationship with bulbs might be underway!
So here's my question--do I water them now? The soil is pretty dry to the touch, but I don't want to water them at the wrong time. Come on, bulb experts, help me out! It's only been about 4 weeks since I potted these, so what do I do now?
Like many others around the country, we were greeted by this landscape this morning. The snow is continuing to fall and we may have 8-10" total by the time it's all over. At least it's lovely for now!
Don't forget to enter the seed giveaway contest if you haven't done so already! The contest closes at 7pm CDT on Sunday Dec. 13th so there is still plenty of time!
For those of us who are experienced at forcing bulbs, your excitement is not overdone. It is exciting to see those little green tips poking through the soil surface. I try to water the ones in the dark storage about once a week, until I'm ready to bring them inside.
It looks like you were in that band of heavier snow. Which is probably a good thing with the temperatures now in negativeland. Stay warm!
MMD--Thank you! I watered them today, and I feel better having some idea how much to water them. And yes we did get hit pretty hard with snow up here, and I am a bit relieved for the sake of the garden getting insulated!
I only water mine once or twice during the whole season.
EAL--Thanks! I know you are an expert in the way of bulbs, and I appreciate the tip!
Rose, I completely understand your excitement. Last year was my first attempt at forcing bulbs, and mine did zilch. I kept wondering what I had done wrong. I did have an amaryllis that grew and grew but never produced any blooms, but this year it's looking good and I'm hopeful to see a blossom after all this. I keep watching the new bulb I planted for signs of growth; I'll be shouting for joy just like you when it does. I see you've already gotten instructions from the expert--Elizabeth; maybe that's what I've done--overwatered mine!
Beautiful photos of the snow! Strange that you had so much, and MMD had very little. But we seemed to have been in a pocket with no snow as well.
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