tulips sprouting underneath my oregano (need to do something about that this year!)...
...columbine foliage coming to life...
...tell-tale signs of spring, hot pink peony shoots...
...hellebore buds...
...and golden alexander (Zizia aurea) and smooth blue aster (Symphyotrichum laeve) are showing new foliage already.
I have yet to clear away the mulch and turn into the soil the soggy, decomposing bottom layers of it, so there are many more surprises to be found. Hopefully temperatures will finally warm up by later this week!
Bloom Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Garden. Check out what else is blooming on this Ides of March!
One of the joys of gardening is the discovery of buds in spring. Even when I'm surrounded by glorious blossoms, I'm still looking for the late emerging first buds among the mulch around dormant plants.
One surprise after the other this time of the year....HOPE!
Sure signs of spring Rose! I never tire of seeing those new shoots poking out of the soil this time of year.
I'm so pleased to see the hellebore is going to bloom. It's so exciting.
Isn't it exciting to find these surprises hiding under the debris of fall and winter? It's supposed to reach the 60's, maybe even 70, on Thursday--I can't wait!
Does having a "real" winter mean you are coming of a rest?
After such a long winter, isn't it wonderful to stand and stare at buds!! It doesn't matter that there aren't flowers yet ... they will be here soon. Hurry up, spring!
Thanks for writing
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