My columbines (Aquilegia canadensis) are still going strong. There are a number of spent blooms that are on their way to becoming decorative seed pods, but they are still outnumbered by the pink and yellow blooms I love!
(Note the scraggly pink peonies in the background)
By now we are all familiar with the river of salvia at the Lurie Garden that was seen during the Spring Fling (no, I don't have a link because how could I choose one picture from all the shots out there on the attendees' blogs? Besides, most of you probably know what it looks like. If you don't, pick a blog on the blogroll and I bet you'll find it!) I don't have a river of salvia, or even a stream, but I do have a puddle. I've been nurturing a grouping of Salvia nemorosa 'Plumosa' and S. nemorosa 'Lost-Plant-Tag-Don't-Know-Cultivar', and the puddle is really hitting its stride right about now!
Some bumblebees stake their claim on this salvia every year, and I'm pleased to have them back. The bee visitor is a little blurry in this shot (sorry!):
I also lost the tag for this heuchera (suggestions welcome!), whose veiny foliage adds interest to this rather dull corner near my hose and in front of my irises, which have closed up shop for the year. I think the white blooms contrast deliciously with the purplish-brown leaves.
Remember those Supertunias we got at Carolyn Gail's on Saturday of Spring Fling? They can indeed thrive in part shade! I took this one and plunked it in this basket-looking container on my front patio. It's doing quite nicely.
Not pictured but doing something: Spirea, Astilbe (finally putting out a very tentative panicle after a disastrous season last year), pink coral bells (another cultivar mystery), and a cilantro. I'm not sure if you're not supposed to let cilantro bloom, kind of along the lines of how you shouldn't let basil flower, but I was so intrigued that I just let it go. I'm sorry there's no picture but it's a tiny plant and the flowers are downright minuscule--not good for my weak photography skills! Anyway, happy bloom day to all, and to see more visit Carol at May Dreams Garden!
Rose -- I love your desciption of your salvia as a puddle! That's what I have too, several puddles of salvia, but I have been inspired and I may try to find a place to run a river of it like the Lurie -- it sure was impressive that way.
Rose, loved your 'puddle' of salvia as well as all your blooms. The petunias from Carolyn Gail's are looking super. Maybe part shade is the way to go with these-mine in full sun are a little scraggly looking. :)
Your Heuchera looks a lot like Shady Gardener's mystery Heuchera. Does Everything Grow Better in My Neighbor's Yard?.
I guess I better get my Supertunias out of their little pot. Yours are putting mine to shame.
Hi Diana,
I would love to extend the puddle as well! A planned expansion of my front bed next year may allow that. Please share photos of your too!
Beckie--I've grown petunias in that same spot on my patio for a few different years and they always do well there. I say part shade works!
MMG--I was monitoring that Heuchera post on Does Everything Grow Better in My Neighbor's Yard and I also thought the mystery heuchera looked suspiciously like mine! So Shady Gardener, if you're out there and you;ve got an answer, please let me know! I've been meaning to check back on whether there was a solution to that mystery!
Also, I left the Supertunia in its pot and just stuck the whole thing in that container (it was the definition of lazy container gardening). Maybe just find it a happy spot?
I love salvia this time of year, easiest plant around and lots of color.
Rose, we share more than a name--I have a "puddle" of salvia, too, that I showed on today's post. Mine also attracts lots of bumblebees, but this year I have honeybees swarming around it. And is your header a new photo? I had the same swallowtail visit my garden:) And if that isn't enough similarity, I planted my supertunia in the shade as well. One difference, though, we haven't had all the rain you have had. The clouds overhead must be waiting till they get farther north to release their droplets:)
Rose, there are all sorts of blooming puddles in my garden. Yours are quite attractive. My supertunia is doing well in partial sun too. Happy GBBD.
Catherine--I agree! Salvia is a consistent performer and tough as nails. I love them!
Rose--That header photo was taken last month. I saw your swallowtail and it was beautiful! I'm still waiting for mine to come back...
Lisa--Thank you! Happy bloom day to you too!
Oh, that puddle of salvia made me laugh. I have a few puddles of it in my yard too. Happy Bloom Day, Rose.~~Dee
Lovely blooms Rose! Your Supertunia. . . Wow! Mine's doing ok, but it's not nearly as full or blooming as much as yours is.
The heuchera looks a bit like 'Hollywood,' but it has red flowers not white. There are so many heuchera cultivars these days, it's hard to tell them apart. Hope you're able to figure it out, but if not it's pretty anyway!
Thanks Dee!
Thanks as well to you, Garden Girl! Hmmm, 'Hollywood,' I'll have to check it out, even if the flowers are different. And you're right; even if I never figure it out it's still a lovely specimen!
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